We provide a set of dynamic APIs to query domain metadata and NFT image representations.
Please note that these APIs are currently in beta and may change in the future.
JSON metadata
API: https://azero.id/api/v1/metadata/{name}.azero.json
Example: https://azero.id/api/v1/metadata/domains.azero.json (opens in a new tab)
NFT images
API: https://azero.id/api/v1/image/{name}.azero.png
Example: https://azero.id/api/v1/image/domains.azero.png (opens in a new tab)
Open Graph preview images
API: https://azero.id/api/v1/og/{name}.azero.png
Example: https://azero.id/api/v1/og/domains.azero.png (opens in a new tab)