

Top-level domain (TLD)

TLD describes the suffix in any Internet hierarchical DNS (Domain Name System) and is generally the last component of a domain. In our case, the domains on the Aleph Zero testnet have the .tzero TLD, and mainnet domains the .azero TLD, respectively.


Metadata describes on-chain information that can be added to the metadata storage of a domain.


The Owner of a domain is the address that holds the domain and the only role that can transfer and release an owned domain.


The Controller is an account with the ability to change the resolved address, change the controller, and manage the metadata of a domain. A controller is not authorized to transfer or release a domain.

Resolving address

The Resolving address of a domain is the wallet address that the domain points to. This is important for wallets that have integrated and support the domains for asset transfers.

Primary Domain

A user can set a primary domain for a wallet. The primary domain will be displayed as a username in dApps that have integrated our frontend resolver library.

Domain Squatting

Domain squatting in blockchain refers to the malicious act of preemptively registering domain names related to well-known brands, trademarks, or prominent individuals with the intent to profit from them by reselling the domain at an unreasonable price. Read more about our pricing here.

PSP34 Standard

PSP34 (opens in a new tab) is an NFT interface standard for WebAssembly smart contracts running on the Substrate contracts pallet. Read more about our domains as NFTs here.


The Registry is the core smart contract of our protocol that serves as a decentralized domain registration system.