Integration Guide

Integration guide

AZERO.ID offers a simplified on-chain identity to replace complex wallet addresses, aiming to partner with wallets, dApps, and parachains in the ink! and Substrate ecosystem. Let's make Web3 more accessible!

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Integration methods

Integrate AZERO.ID either with our resolver library (opens in a new tab) in your frontend or backend, or by leveraging our ink!/Rust-based snippets for direct router contract calls within your smart contracts.

Use cases

1. Resolve: Domain → Address

AZERO.ID's key feature is to replace hard-to-remember wallet addresses with user-friendly domains, simplifying asset transfers. Read more about our role system and how to resolve domains.


For example, when entering alice.azero in a recipient input field in a wallet's transfer view, the wallet can resolve the domain to the wallet address 5CSbZ7wG...5BsYH4TZ and send the funds to that address.

Example integrations

  • Wallets: Users enter a domain in an input field and a wallet resolves that to the respective wallet address.
  • DApps: Every wallet address input field in a dApp automatically resolves domains, defaulting to standard addresses if needed.

2. Resolve: Address → Primary domain

AZERO.ID enhances Web3 UX by offering custom, unique, and tradable on-chain identities. Users can register multiple domains but must proactively set a unique primary one, enhancing security. Read more about primary domains and how to resolve addresses.


A user with address 5CSbZ7wG...5BsYH4TZ connects their wallet, the dApp resolves the wallet address to the primary domain alice.azero and displays it in the user's profile. The user can own multiple other non-primary domains.

Example integrations

  • Block Explorers: Detail pages of blocks and transactions show primary domains next to wallet addresses.
  • DApps: Users connect their wallet in the frontend, and a dApp displays the resolved primary domain in the user's profile as their username.

3. Metadata integrations

A key utility of our domains is their modular on-chain metadata storage. Users can store arbitrary data with their domains, such as profile pictures, social media accounts, websites, certain identifiers and more. As the protocol is fully permissionless and the user holds custody over their domains, many exciting use cases and smart contracts can be built on top of that.

4. NFT marketplaces & integrations

Domains are represented as NFTs, implementing the PSP-34 standard. This enables compatible NFT marketplaces to integrate them out of the box, allowing users to trade their domains. Additionally, all other use cases of NFTs could be applied to domains, such as fractionalization, lending, etc.

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